Choice Service Club Membership

best value

What Is the Best Way to Maintain My System?
If you are looking for the basics to keep your equipment safe and functional, we have a program just for you. If you want a more thorough maintenance program to ensure maximum system efficiency, performance, and life span, we have that plan too. Being a member of our Choice Service Club not only helps protect you from breakdowns but also makes sure that if you experience one, you get put to the front of the list for service. Our Choice Service Club includes:
- Three (3) plans for you to choose from
- Biannual inspections to maintain your system
- Proactive recommendations to keep your system running right
- Maintenance of manufacturer’s warranty by keeping and providing service documents
- Proper maintenance of your system to reduce energy bills
- Affordable options for month-to-month billing
R-22 Phase Out
R-22 is an HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) refrigerant often used in air conditioning equipment. To protect the Earth’s protective ozone layer, the United States is phasing out R-22, along with other chemicals.
- As of January 1, 2020, the production, but not the use of, R-22 is being phased out. You are not required to stop using R-22 air conditioners nor to replace existing equipment.
- R-22 supplies will be limited so costs to service equipment with R-22 may rise.
How will this affect servicing my current system?
- You may continue to have your equipment containing R-22 serviced.
- The most important thing you can do is to maintain your unit properly. Appropriate servicing minimizes potential environmental damage and maintenance costs.
- If your older system needs a major repair, it’s likely in your best interest to look into system replacement options instead of spending thousands of dollars on a system that may be near the end of its expected service life.
How would I benefit from a new system?
- Systems using alternative refrigerants that do not harm the ozone layer are available and will become more common.
- The most common alternative to R-22 is R-410A, a non-ozone depleting HCFC refrigerant blend. Repair costs would be less costly with the alternative refrigerant.
- New energy-efficient air conditioners save energy costs.